Sunday, March 21, 2010

What if #7: What if the Memphis Police Department went on strike?

I'm not really sure what could possibly happen to provoke the Memphis Police to go on strike, but if they did our city would be vulnerable to absolutely anything. As much as they take advantage of their authority, Memphis would be in a desperate state without our police force. I was dealing with a traffic ticket at 201 Poplar the other day; and as I was standing in the endless line of traffic violators, I began to think about how many police it takes to send all of these people to court. It was exhausting to see so many people in court that day. The conversations I overheard were not necessarily pleasing to my ears, either. After standing in a line for 45 minutes to get in the courtroom, I finally entered as they were alphabetically calling people up to to talk to the judge. This process was another grueling half hour or more of my life. Arguments filled the air as I witnessed each person attempt to get away with a stop sign violation, excessive speeding, or any other normal traffic offense. Ridiculus excuses were made that day. However, I left with a dismissed ticket– going 5 mph over in a 40 mph speed zone. Pleased with my dissmissal, I left that courtroom wondering, "If all of the cops decided to strike, all of the people in here would be in the streets reaking havoc all over the city." Yes, it is a slightly exaggerated thought that will never come true,but it is one to imagine being the cause of a true disaster in our city. Memphis, ranked in the top five most dangerous cities, without our police force? THAT'S an unsettling thought.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What if #6: What if each state was its own country?

Each state has the power to make certain laws, right? Right. The disagreement between states and their laws have been at the heart of political controversy over the course of our country's history. Maybe it would be a good time to just come up with a simple little solution. Each state has its own government, laws, and means of protecting the rights of their citizens. State legislatures would have a ball with the chance of finally being able to avoid Congress's approval of a bill. It would take so much less time and effort to make their laws. The only approval that they would need would be their own. This could be a good thing? I bet people would be more at peace with each other. On the other hand, this could create the possibility of having another Civil War. THAT, my friends, would be the end. But on to a more positive note-- I'm sure that every one would have to have a passport to enter another "country's" borders. If not a passport, something of the sort that proves your identity. It would be a little annoying, however, to have to use a passport to cross the brige into Arkansas. Vacations would be a very interesting process. The "countries" would probably gain a little too much confidence. Texas, especially, would have such a high sense of feeling "better than everyone else." Then comes California--the land of, well, anything and everything. I'm sure this is a bad idea to even ponder over, but to think of how the people, states, and governments would react to becoming their own country is definitely entertaining.

What if #5: What if the average life span was doubled?

It is almost considered a miracle to live past 100 years old. To think if the average life span was 200 is unimaginable. So much can happen in a day, a week, a month, a year; but to think how much that can happen in 200 years is slightly overwhelming. Old people thrive off of telling stories. My grandfather would rant for 3 hours about being in the war. I specifically remember him tell a story about the war plane that he flew that lasted a good hour and a half. An hour and a half story about a war plane--must've been an interesting experience. However, some of the stories I have heard from elders are pretty interesting. To think that they grew up in a time with no computers, cell phones, video games, or iPods is pretty unthinkable for our generation. They had to entertain themselves in a totally different way than we can entertain ourselves now. Music was a huge part of entertainment for them; but they didn't have the access to it like we do now. Either they had to buy tons of records, or learn an instrument themselves. I think it is so great that they have seen technology develop from barely anything to almost everything. If we were to live double the average life span, we would experience 200 years of changes of the world. So many life lessons would be learned, yet there would be so many more chances of bad times. We would hold so many memories, meet so many different people, see so many different places, and live such interesting lives. Our stories would beat any story of our grandparents, so let's fiigure out how to live longer. I'm in.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What if #4: What if caffeine was outlawed?

I was sipping on my second Redbull of the day and thought to myself, "is this really affecting me more than I realize?" The things I have heard doctors and health enthusiasts say about coffee, energy drinks, energy boosters, etc. have neverhad much of an effect on my opinion about caffeine. I started drinking coffee when I was about six years old, and have loved it ever since. As I got older, the urge to give myself an energy boost came more frequently. It's almost like a mental urge. If I know I am drinking something with caffeine, it seems like my brain automatically wakes up. There have even been moments when I get more drowsy after drinking coffee or a Redbull. That's what leads me to wonder how the caffeine is actually supposed to affect me. I have definitely gained a dependency on caffeine, which is not going to be good in the long run, but hey-what can you do? So, if caffeine was outlawed, it would most likely be beneficial to everyone with the same problem I have. It would definitely decrease the amount of heart attacks each year in America. People would probably become more relaxed instead of being giddy and wired off of their morning cup of coffee. I know that, like me, most coffee-drinkers consume at least 2-3 cups in the morning. If you're a more intense coffee-drinker, another 1-2 cups throughout they day. Redbull is a necessity for my daily functioning process. Speaking for most of the American college population, Redbull is very important for studying. College students would protest if caffeine was actually outlawed, and I would be right there with them.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What if #3: What if the Greek systems were never created?

After being asked to join a sorority, with no knowledge of how the system works, I was very curious to learn. Many of my friends are in the Greek system all across the country, and most of them seem to be very involved in their fraternity/sorority. The main role of fraternities and sororities is for college students to find their social group along with an older member which they refer to as a "big brother" and "big sister". In my opinion, the Greek system is a very great way for undergraduate students to socialize during their college years.
Recruitment to join a frat or sorority involves a week long period called 'rush week', which includes events and activities that are for the new members to learn about and meet each other. There are even requirements to join some of the fraternities or sororities. These requirements include a certain grade point average, learning about the history and structure of that organization, wearing a pledge pin, and performing public service. These conditions give college students a reason to work hard for themselves, their peers, and their community. In certain organizations, it is required that the new members live in the frat/sorority house for a certain number of semesters--usually just two. This gives all the members the chance to learn how to work, live, and function together as a whole. Greek systems are very beneficial to college students.
If the Greek systems were never started in the 1700s, college students would live very different and possibly more difficult lives. Depending on his/her personality, it would be harder to find a close group of friends than being in a fraternity/sorority. The lack of the social organizations might change the motivation and drive of young students. They also could lose the chance of learning how to work together, help each other, help their community, plan events and parties, etc. they same way fraterities and sororities do. Not to say that college life would be completely impaired, it would just change the way the students socialize.